KM Computers LLC Logo

KM Computers LLC provides a wide range of services and solutions to assist you with your IT needs:

White Box OEM - We will work with you to develop a line of PC's and Servers for you to rebrand and sell to your customers. We will use your logo's, installation preferences and company information to customise the machines before you receive them. We will install whatever standard applications and utilities that you desire, to minimise the on-site time you need to spend at your customers. This can allow you to have a standardised line of systems available to your customers so that they can pick from a list, and have a list of comparable features useful for comparing your offerings with "other" branded machines.


Custom chassis/purpose machines - We can create systems for all sorts of installation needs, not limited to fanless machines for industrial/messy environments, car machines, custom all-in-one machines. We have developed specialised quiet use machines for use in sound sensitive environments such as recording studios and media presentation uses.


Virtualisation systems - We have significant experience helping people design servers for consolidating servers/services. We have performed hardware-to-virtual conversions on existing systems and re-deployed them using Server based virtualisation, as well as system/server consolidation efforts for hosted service environments.


Off-site backups - We offer our customers custom off-site backup services, to allow our customers to provide remote backup services for their customers allowing an extra level of security for their customer data.


Custom network service and integration options - We work with customers to develop their network/internet infrastructure. From replacing aging network infrastructure, to adding new options to expand the functioning of their network. We offer custom software and hardware solutions to enable our customers to expand their offerings. We work with numerous vendors and operating systems to best service our customer, and we are willing to support numerous methods to achive numerous goals.

Custom Hardware and/or Software Firewall/Filtering solutions.


Content filtering/Internet Monitoring solutions - We offer both hardware and software solutions depending on your needs and requirements. We have even created "Network/Router in a box" setups where both your primary network server and firewall are on the same system using hardware virtualisation and setups for networks where size and/or cost requirements may be an issue.


Media centralisation/distribution systems - Both backed server setup and design to end-point selection of control and playback devices, we offer our expertise in selection and utilisation for cutting edge audio/video systems.